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input on what 4 toons to use

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Post Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:36 pm

input on what 4 toons to use

so what is the most benficial classes to play with 4 boxing? to farm toons of loot i saw the guy that posted running 4 demon lords or whatever there called which looked pretty cool but would 4 sorcs be better?


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Post Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:54 pm

Re: input on what 4 toons to use

Any ranged class would do well.

I managed to do 4 man teams for Barb, DH, WD, and WIz through the beta. The run through the Barbs was enough to make me not want to try melee again and that is why I didn't do Monk.

For me, DH wins out because of the ferrets you get later in the game. Picking gold up was a bit of an annoyance on all of the characters if you didn't have some +pickup radius stat on all of them.

WD loses out because I was unimpressed by the pets. With so many of them it seemed a lot of the times several were just standing around looking stupid. I mean they weren't really doing anything.

Wiz has a lot of potential with passives like Paralysis and the runed version of Blizzard that has a chance on damage to freeze.

Any ability that has a % chance to CC is amazing when you are multiboxing. Even as bad as the Barb's were they could stunlock Skelly King so he literally did nothing the entire fight except his one charge up attack (he is immune to CC when he starts it). I was even able to keep him from doing much of anything (he didn't summon a single add) with the DH's on one run just by timing my Impale's well.


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Post Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:41 pm

Re: input on what 4 toons to use

you had trouble with melee Yelgis? why? is your fps low? my windows run at 80fps each so i found them manageable

will be running 4x barb....unless i can find a really good 4x monk build
wd hold potential, and the spike dmg possible with 4x wizards or even 3x wiz 1x monk may be too much to pass up.


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Post Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:56 am

Re: input on what 4 toons to use

your gonna run 4x barbs is that cause of there stun locks? if thats the case u would alternate which slot attacked so that the spells would all go off at once right?

im on the fence either 4 dh or 4 sorcs and now 4 barbs lol i dunno which to play i mean is it wise to make 4 of one class or make like barb my main and have like 3 dhs


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Post Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:29 am

Re: input on what 4 toons to use

When I played with four Barbarians and unlocked Bash with the Clobber rune it was insane. I could stun lock a single enemy without even having to use ground stomp. Using a round robin key bind with leap was fun to watch, but that's one skill that I doubt you want to alternate between characters. I found Witch Doctors to be a LOT more fun when playing four, rather than the two that I'm used to. I get a kick out of seeing all of those Zombie Dogs. I felt as if it were better to use an AOE build without pets scattering the groups, and the dogs were useless against the Skeleton King as usual.

I didn't have time to try four of the rest of the classes, but I know that my first group will end up being Demon Hunters. I use shift to attack quite a bit which causes me to miss a lot of ranges attacks, so the abundance of homing attacks appeals to me quite a bit. In theory, with the build linked, I will simply activate Caltrops at a distance, drop my Sentrys, and start to unload. The spider companions will help me stay at a distance for longer, and when the mobs do get close Caltrops will trigger allowing me to retreat to a distance and start the process over. I don't doubt for a second that I'll end up tweaking this after testing, but I'm confident that the basic strategy is sound.


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Post Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:38 am

Re: input on what 4 toons to use

demon hunters?? wow i hate them...i cant see anything good about them
i was thinking 4x barb cos of ignore pain + the rune that shares it to allies..thats 20 sec round robin of 65% dmg reduction only have to wait 10sec to refresh


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Post Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:52 am

Re: input on what 4 toons to use

Oops, I forgot to link the build. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/d ... Ych!bbcaaY

It all depends on personal preference. You can be the in your face melee that focuses on absorbing damage or stuns or heals to survive, or the tactical ranged that relies on slow or control or pets to avoid getting hit.


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Post Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:08 am

Re: input on what 4 toons to use

im surprise no one will use 4 sorcs i would think that would be the best dps as i dont have much experience with the game as i only played it a few times im guessing it would be harder to control?


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Post Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:24 am

Re: input on what 4 toons to use

I chose DH over Sorc because of the ferret pets really. Both would do good damage and have some nice CC (Stun grenade on DH... Blizzard with rune and Paralysis with lightning spells on Sorc).

I run all my clients at 30 FPS. I just found issues with Barbs staying in sync compared to ranged. With ranged you can just shift cast to always stay in sync while attacking. If you do that with melee you have to hope enemies run in to your range. Not a problem most of the time and I finish the beta with them easily enough. I just see it being harder later on if they have mobs that try to run from and range you down. Clobber on Barbs is certainly nice.


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Post Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:04 pm

Re: input on what 4 toons to use

cool guess ill do dhs and barbs then i dont think ill have issues with fps i have a pretty nice alienware but well see if not i can always 4 box on 4 pcs lol

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