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Issue Cycling through slots

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Post Fri Jan 29, 2016 12:36 am

Issue Cycling through slots

Here is a paste of my config: http://pastebin.com/BfK1NpN2

The settings I am actually playing with are:
Character Set = D3 Mobx Non-Stacked
Window Layout = D3 Mobx Non-Stacked2
Repeater Profile = D3-NS

For Keymaps I am using D3-NS Always On and D3-NS Keymaps

So the issue I am having is thus. I have keymaps to cycle from one slot to the next using the Switch Window to Foreground action with 4 steps on each keymap. These work wonderfully both forward and backward. I can cycle from 1 to 2 to 3 then use the other keymap to cycle from 3 back to 2 back to 1 no problem. It rollsover fine as well. This only works though if I am cycling from one window to the next with no other action in between.

If I for instance cycle from 1 to 2 and then click in the active region 2 is now using (say drop items out of a characters inventory or just to move him), then use Next Slot keymap to try to move onto my third character it does nothing on the first activation. The next activation is erratic. Sometimes it will jump from 3 back to 2. Ive seen it jump from 3 to 1 skipping slot 4, etc. I've not done enough testing on every single situation to see if the skips and jumps are always the same.

The problem seems to be related to focusing the window by clicking in it, but I don't have any keymaps set to activate on focus and I played around with different swap modes and really can't figure this one out. If anyone has encountered something like this before and has a solution that would be great. It isn't game breaking just annoying.


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Post Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:46 am

Re: Issue Cycling through slots

You aren't synchronising the state of the mapped keys across all the toons properly, especially in the Next Slot mapped key. When you run, that single mapped key is copied to each character, and they all have their own copy, and it's own state, so when you are on slot 1, and you press Next Slot, it moves from Step 1 to Step 2. This then brings Slot 2 to the active region, with it's copies of mapped keys, which because they are not syncronised, then when you hit Next Slot on it runs Step 1.

Looking at it, the Next Slot -> Step 1 should be something like
    Toggle Repeat in D3-NS Always On Key Map Set 1 -> all
    Previous Slot in D3-NS Always On Key Map Set 3 -> all
    Next Slot in D3-NS Always On Key Map Set 2 -> all other <-- this is synchronising all other windows where you haven't pressed the hotkey yet to be on the same step as the window you did press the hotkey.
    Switch window to Foreground (Fast) -> 2

Personally, I'd use a Window Focus action, rather than the Switch to Foreground. This way you can set a Filter Target group and just let ISBoxer take care of which window is the next/prev window. If you set this up as a single mapped key for Next/Prev (a bit like what you have in the D3 Always On).
This would make your mapped key a bit simpler
    Toggle Repeat in D3-NS Always On Key Map Set 1 -> all
    Focus window '-next' (filter:@isboxer&~dxNothing) on <Current Computer>


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Post Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:48 am

Re: Issue Cycling through slots

Bob that makes a lot of sense why I was seeing the behavior I was. I was not aware that each window kept it's own copy of each mapped key and hence all have their own states.

The reason I even tried the key map I was having issue with was because of some things I was trying with the window layout and I though (probalby mistakenly) that the focus keymap wasn't working properly. I will try one of those out instead.

Either way, your explanation about how each window keeps track of mapped keys separately wasn't something I was aware of. That info will be very useful moving forward. So thanks for the reply.


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Post Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:21 pm

Re: Issue Cycling through slots

So using a focus window option didn't work for me just like I thought. I think the reason is because I don't want my windows to swap to the active region when just clicking them (so I can send clicks to pick up things on the other screens without causing a swap and without needing hold to control keys for each slot). I set the swapping mode to only swap when pressing a slot activate key or some similar setting.

Thanks to you explaining how mapped keys are saved in each slot Bob, I was able to go back and add an action to each step of my original mapped keys to sync each window to the proper step. Now my cycling is working 100% with no issues. I really appreciate you pointing that out to me, cause that really helps with making more complicated mapped keys.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:23 am

Re: Issue Cycling through slots

The window focus action should work fine. I have my window layout set to swap "Never", and a Window focus action still works find for me to rotate through the Windows. I can also set to one of the "Only When I... " options and the Focus action still works.

But then, as per most things, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

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