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Healing Outside of Group

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 6:56 am
by WarMunky
Hey all! I've been playing around with some options for a Healing Setup. My fave so far for MY MultiBox Party is the Video FX one, works great! BUT I want to try and create a better one that allows me to heal other people outside my group as well.

My current team consists of a Warrior Tank, who's window I run the team from 95% of the time, and 2 mages and two healers. When I run the Video FX Healing option, I have to jump to a priest to heal others outside my group. I had a quick play around with an alternate idea of using CTRL keys that link to healing spells, and the idea of focusing those heals towards the target of my tank. I spent 15 mins before work trying to make it happen, but couldn't get the spells to hit the right target.

So two questions, is this the best option for what I want to achieve? If it isn't, what might be a better option? I was hoping to do it without having to create macros for /focus target of mt, and preferably set it up within ISB and not WOW. If it IS the best option, are there any tips/tricks on the easiest way to direct the heals/debuffs etc from the Main Tank window?

Am going to go through some old ISB Vids tomorrow, but thought I pop the question to the boffins while waiting for my left overs to heat up after a big night out haha.

The title of the thread has been changed. Please put some effort into the subject of a thread so that people searching for a similar topic can find what they're looking for.

Re: !

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 7:46 am
by bob
I would have thought the videofx over grid (raid frames) and clique would work for peeps not in your multibox setup, but in your party.

Re: !

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:33 am
by WarMunky
Yeah but I want the healing setup to be able to heal people OUTSIDE my party too. I run into a lot of randoms in the open world who often need a little helping hand, and while I could set that up OUTSIDE my system, I'm mildly OCD so would like to use the same system for both.

Re: !

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:42 am
by Imposibil
Try a mapped key ...

Re: !

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:09 am
by WarMunky
Thanks I'll check that out when I get time. As a temporary measure I set up my CTRL + # keys to combat broadcast, and set CTRL + 1, etc to cast different heals on my priests, and a dummy macro on my Warrior to remind me what they are. Messy, but works well. Will test out the same thing for the mages and sheep. Thanks again for the response!

Re: !

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:34 am
by bob
WarMunky wrote:Yeah but I want the healing setup to be able to heal people OUTSIDE my party too.
well that comes down to targeting then, so it is either going to be a case of drive from the healer, and then you can target/heal what you like,
or drive from another main, and do what Impossibil showed, with a call to assist specifically for the healer, and then a call for the healer to heal.

Re: Healing Outside of Group

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:09 am
by WarMunky
Thanks mate :)