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how do i....

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 2

Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:10 pm

Post Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:15 pm

how do i....

Just starting with the whole boxing thing and i need to get some things working

right now i am starting with 2 a warrior / tank and a preist / heal

I want to tell the healer to take care of the tank ... how can i do that ?
i want to keep the tank attacking his target.
i want the healer to target the tank and buff / heal him.

also can i get the healer to stay back a bit? i still want him to follow but not so close that he gets into the fight.


Grandmaster Guidesmith

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Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:36 pm

Post Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:40 pm

Re: how do i....

You can drive with either toon, but I generally prefer to manually control the tank, while the others are controlled by follow and macros.

It is nice to set up your system, so anyone can drive.
For this, I would go into world of warcraft keybindings (in game), and assign a key for Interact With Target, for both of your toons.
It can be anything which you won't accidently click, and should be the same key for both of them.

Whichever toon you are driving with, the other will auto follow.
You can either have follow occur automatically, on a character switch.
Do this via IS Boxer Toolkit > Character Set (top pane) > Click on Slot Number (left pane) > When I switch to this character (checked) > Do This Mapped Key > ______________.
If you want follow to occur automatically, choose Keymap: Control and Mapped Key: Follow/JambaMaster
If you don't want follow to occur automatically, choose: Keymap: Control and Mapped Key: JambaMaster

Either way, you'll want a way to initiate follow, without a switch of characters, from within game.
In General Keymaps, there is a Mapped Key called Follow. If you click it (left pane), it will list the Hotkey.
This will have the other toon, follow the active toon.

We'll also want a way for the slave/follower to break follow.
The easiest is to copy the mapped key "Others Jump", which is in the General Keymap.
I've used the arrow keys for slave movement.
Create a mapped key (right click on Mapped Keys, in the left pane).
Call is Slave Movement Down Arrow.
The hotkey is Down Arrow.
The is only one Step.
Right click on actions (right pane), selecting Keystroke Action > New Keystroke Action
Then set the Target to: Window All without Current
And the Key combination to: Down Arrow, which should read as Down.
You can do the same for the other arrow keys, to get stronger independent slave movement control.

So now, we have either toon will follow the other.
And you can break follow or restart it.

I would strongly recommend Repeater Regions, for your healing.
This will allow you to click a frame, for whichever toon is hurt.
And how you click the frame, will determine which heal is cast.
This is very strong, as you can heal from any window, without the need for healing macros.

In the Video section, I'll recommend Tovya's video on Repeater Region Healing.
I have a written guide, also in the guide section on the same.

You'll need an addon (from http://www.curse.com) for this.
Vuhdo and Healbot are "all in one" options, giving you both the frame and interpretation.
Grid or OpenRDX will get you the unit frame, but you'll then need Clique to interpret the clicks.

Even if you go with Repeater Regions, you'll occasionally want to heal someone who is not in your party/raid.
So I'll set up a few healing macros too.
On the priest, have a key or two which is not used by the warrior.
It is easiest if this is an FTL DPS Key, (ie 1-0, - or =).
That way, from either toon, when this is pressed the slave will assist the active toon (when leading with the warrior, the priest will heal the warrior's target).

Then create a warcraft macro (from inside world of warcraft), something to this effect:
Call it Renew, choose the Red Questionmark for the icon.
Line 1: #show Renew
Line 2: /cast [help][help,Target=TargetTarget] Renew

You will probably want to do the same for at least one more heal.
A direct heal like Flash Heal or Lesser Heal would be ideal.

Now your warrior can target a friendly toon, in need of a heal.
And you can click this key, and the heal will go to that toon.
Also, without using your mouse (for the Repeater Region heal), you can press the key from either toon, while killing things.
And since the target is not friendly, the first macro condition fails, and it tries to cast the heal at the target of the target, which should be one of your toons.

Repeater Regions are a stronger healing method.
But macros work too, and get you the option to heal those outside of your group.
You could also put Power Word: Fortitude on its own key, using the same principle for buffing others.

A Last thing.
In the Toolkit, navigate to Action Target Groups.
Right Click, Select New ATG, Name it Melee Attack.
Click on the group, so it is displayed in the bottom left tab.
Then navigate up to characters (top pane), and drag your warrior into this ATG (bottom left frame).

Now we want a melee Interact With Target (IWT) mapped key.

Expand Keymaps (top pane) and click on General Keymaps.
In the bottom left pane, right click on Mapped Keys.
Make a new one, call it something like Melee IWT.
Give it a hotkey.
We only need one step, click on the 1 under steps.
In the right pane, right click on actions: New Keystroke Action > Keystroke Action.
For Target, set it to Melee Attack (the ATG we just made).
For Key Combination, use whatever keybind you set in warcraft for the IWT keybind.

For this to work, you'll need Click to Move (CTM) enabled in warcraft on the warrior.
This is found in Interface Options > Mouse Options.

Now, when driving the priest.
You can target a hostile mob.
And hit your Melee IWT hotkey.
Which will have your warrior run up to the mob, just like a hunter/warlock pet.
At which point, you click your warrior moves, which are on keys such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.

If in the future you added other melee toons to your team/character set.
Just add them into the Melee Attack (ATG).

If you were to turn CTM on for both toons.
You could create another mapped key.
Which sends your IWT keybind to all windows.
On all of your toons, instead of just the Melee ATG.

This would be useful to move to click on quest npc's.
Or to flightpoints, etc.

With the Jamba addon (it is a sticky in the macro/addon section on www.dual-boxing.com).
You can configure your slaves to make the same quest choices as your main/active toon.
And to take the same flights from the flightmaster.
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Posts: 2

Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:10 pm

Post Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:09 pm

Re: how do i....

thanks for the detailed reply. i will go thru it and see if that covers my questions.... i know i am close to getting this working just a bunch or things to coordinate bwtween the wow sessions and the addons and stuff...

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