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"destroying' foreground spot in VFX

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:34 pm
by paperuser41
I am running a 5 toon druid team. I was able to make the "destroy" the main screen in box "6" in another config, but when I switched it to show on only display 1 something was lost in translation, and it looks like this now. I even tried deleting the teams and trying to start from scratch, but that seemed to make it worse. Some help in finding my mistake. Thank you.

Re: "destroying' foreground spot in VFX

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:39 pm
by bob
It's not clear on what you are attempting to do? If you mean send the main window to the background, it is pointless in a VFX layout as all the game windows will run in a stack in the same location, so they are on top of each other. If you sent one to the background, it is just going to the back of the stack.

Re: "destroying' foreground spot in VFX

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:46 pm
by paperuser41
Sorry for being unclear. In going thru one of the Mirai youtube videos, there is a way to have six windows on the top bar, and when on the "1" character the top left corner is supposed to be empty, and when on the "2" character the 2nd spot is empty. Instead, all the spots are full.

I was trying to "destroy" the top left corner when on toon 1. Or destroy the top right corner window when on toon 5.

Re: "destroying' foreground spot in VFX

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:10 pm
by bob
Sure, in the WIndow Layout Wizard, that is called "leave a hole". Set this to true and all the generated layouts in the drop down will only have options that leave a hole.


Re: "destroying' foreground spot in VFX

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:22 pm
by paperuser41
I see that option as I run the wizard. I already had it select a 6th area for my 5-man team. It leaves a hole when I don't run VFX, but with VFX the hole is filled.

Thank you.

Re: "destroying' foreground spot in VFX

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:25 pm
by bob
When using a Wizard generated VFX layout (i.e. setting Use Video FX == true) then you really need to use a Leave a hole style layout (i.e. true).

The leave a hole == false Wizard VFX layouts are bugged currently.

If you are making a fully custom VFX layout, then you shouldn't be doing any of this.

Re: "destroying' foreground spot in VFX

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:48 pm
by paperuser41
1. Thank you. It is the custom VFX set up. I did it following Mirai. I ended up deleting all character sets, but keeping a lot of the mapped keys and IWT etc. and redoing all over again. That fixed it mostly...

I also ended up following the rest of the Mirai set up to get rid of the Repeater and Maps in the dxNothing window, but it doesn't seem to be working. It's not broken, but if I could get rid of it. It would be great. As seen below.

2. Because I delete everything else. If I add another new 5 man using the wizard for 5 druids, can I use my original VFX layout from this mized group with the new druids by adding the druid character set to the layout? Or do I need to make another VFX layout 2 for the druids?

Toggle off..JPG
Toggle off..JPG (227.79 KiB) Viewed 4115 times

This portion wrong.JPG
This portion wrong.JPG (73.8 KiB) Viewed 4115 times

Re: "destroying' foreground spot in VFX

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 11:42 pm
by bob
The Toggles menu will depend on a few things.

1. if the Character Set is still assigned the menu, then that assignment is the same as Load. Remove any assignment on the character set.
2. The target you have set in the mapped key is going to no load the toggles menu for any Character or ActionTargetGroup called dxNothing. Is your dxNothing character named dxNothing? If not, it wont work.
3. Yes, if you add another character set, you can use the same VFX layout system for them.