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Blizz changed the rules - I'm sad after 16 years...

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:42 am

Blizz changed the rules - I'm sad after 16 years...

Now that blizzard has announced that using software to multibox will eventually be a ban-able offence I have with a heavy heart cancelled all my subs and parked all my toons. After 16 years I will finally be saying goodbye to the game.

I have asked to be refunded for my pre-purchase(s) and hopefully I can get all my money back. I will post updates as I get them to this. Frankly I feel since they have changed the way I enjoy the game I should be entitled to a refund. We will see.

I'm actually kind of emotional about this. I know I can still play the game as a normy - but I don't like to be forced to play the game the way I don't enjoy it.


EDIT - I was able to get my refunds - but they were a bit snarky about it. I will post it and let you guys determine if I was correct or not. I said they were banning multiboxing. They say they are banning software. While technically you can click and keybind your way to multiboxing without software it isn't the same. Here you go:

Blizzard - "I have checked your request and I can understand your point of view. At the same time I need to clarify that multiboxing is not banned. The stance on multiboxing didn't change. What's changed is our stance on softwares that broadcast inputs.
I believe you already read the announcement, but it's all here"

https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-o ... g-software
Last edited by Trojan_Jo on Wed Nov 04, 2020 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Wed Nov 04, 2020 3:05 am

Re: Blizz changed the rules - I'm sad after 16 years...

It is a bummer, emotionally since I have 5 tooned every expansion since wtlk and financially since I just resubbed 4 days ago some accounts for 6 months. :-o Likewise I have submitted for refunds given it's a tos change <fingers crossed>

Big change but to be honest a popular one amongst the general player base so hard to fault them.


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Post Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:37 pm

Re: Blizz changed the rules - I'm sad after 16 years...

This is my back and forth with Blizz
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Post Thu Nov 05, 2020 6:34 am

Re: Blizz changed the rules - I'm sad after 16 years...

The guy I spoke to kinda rubbed me the wrong way as well. I gave what was probably TMI. I said my mother used to use wishy washy language all the time like something "may" happen instad of will. I said "actionable Offense" just means its now something that they could take action on. Like they say themselves. Using the software "may" result in a penalty. It really made me confused because it seemed like with this wording they were implying more of a tone that it is under their discretion who gets penalized or not.

Dude I got said sorry were really busy. I think it was pretty clear. Then says there is no "may be penalized" it is will. Even though they dont say it that way.


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Post Thu Nov 05, 2020 6:37 am

Re: Blizz changed the rules - I'm sad after 16 years...

I feel really strongly that the employees do NOT like multiboxers even though all the ones I have ever met don't farm more then enough gold for themselves or just use it to solo content and mind their own business. But yah your analogy i agree. It's like banning spoons and saying its okay to eat soup.


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Post Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:50 pm

Re: Blizz changed the rules - I'm sad after 16 years...

Idk. The Blizzard employee who I chatted with was amicable enough. I just told them that they altered their ToS after my purchases of Shadowlands so I felt I was entitled to a refund and the guy was fine with that.

They didn't say they are banning ISboxer directly but they might as well have. I am just a casual gamer. I will not buy 3 or 4 computers to multibox. Plus now you know other players are going to harass you if they see you multiboxing. I play games to relax and have fun not to be stressed out about worrying if my account will be banned or suspended.

That's fine though. WoW has been in a major decline over the years so it is what it is.

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