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Experienced boxer, wants tips on Rotation

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Post Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:23 am

Experienced boxer, wants tips on Rotation


I am an experienced ISBoxer user, who played EQ2, Eve and RIFT extensively with 4-6 accounts.

I've just returned after a year or two break to try my hand at 4-boxing SWTOR - and I have to say once again how FANTASTIC this software is! Sooo damned good!

However, I am finding it harder to optimise rotations in SWTOR and would be interested in what approaches others have tried.

This is my rough setup, with everything working fine:

    Advanced Targetting using Target SLOT {SLOT} and per character virtual keymaps for Target Slot 1 etc, so that any screen can be the main
    Repeater Region over muliti-button ClickBar on Operations Frame for Click Healing (Thanks Chazz! http://www.dual-boxing.com/threads/4637 ... rty-Frames)
    Multiple Action Target Groups
    KeyMaps off with on timers to avoid Channel/Heal interruption
    Round-Robin steps on virtual DPS keys

What I am looking for advice on is the Round Robin on virtual DPS keys to get optimal key presses. I have found a way that sort of works, but is not ideal which I will try to explain.

Let's take a Commando team as an example. Here are 3 Channelled AoE DPS skills on different cooldowns:

1) Hail of Bolts 3s channel, no CD
2) Pulse Cannon 3s channel, 18s CD
3) Mortar Volley 3s Channel, 45s CD

In other games you can just macro this key and have it skip skills that are on CD, so I am trying to emulate that here.

I have all 3 skills triggered as a Round Robin, with the shortest CD first, which works fine for the 1st 3 triggers, but then 2) and 3) are on CoolDown, so only 1) will trigger and you get stuck waiting for 2 & 3 to clear. To make things worse, because I am switching off a keymap on a 3s timer for each skill to allow the channelled skill to be uninterrupted it can be a long wait. To get around this I've set the DPS keymap to reset to step 1 after 4.0 seconds from advancing to step 2 - this works fairly well as long as I don't spam the key, and it just means a 3-4s gap in my rotation every 2nd run through. If I do spam the key the round-robin can advance into step 3 and get stuck on the long CD.

Has anyone tried anything like this, or discovered a better approach?

Regards, Drubchen :)


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Post Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:29 am

Re: Experienced boxer, wants tips on Rotation

I found a better way to do it.

On the keymap that actually triggers the skill add an extra step (or an extra two if it is a "press or released" map). The steps should be empty, but on the final step check the "Do not advance to the next step for at least" boxes and set your timer here. In this way it will just make a null key press during that time (as it acts as an empty round-robin on that specific skill keymap), but wont prevent you pressing the key again to get the next skill in the round-robin DPS Rotation key that calls that skill.

This also means I can put the heavy hitting long CD skills first on the rotation, which is much, much better.

Now that the Ground Target AoE skills can be triggered on your current target by pressing a quickbar key twice (a recent SWTOR patch) this makes Gunnery Mortar fantastic!



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Post Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:49 am

Re: Experienced boxer, wants tips on Rotation


I think your tips more useful on my 4man boxer, I had setup couple keystrokes and hotkeys for Commando as like your stuffs, but the abilities not working perfectly. I need more info how do you do that. Mind to explain to me please!

And also I had improved the Healing with or without click-bars, but I do had used my Logitech G600 Macro Gaming Mouse and setup all 12 macros keys (replace 12 NumPad keys) to do all the hard parts like: Small Group Healing and Big Group Healing, and just press 1 of them can do Auto-follow and Assist(DPS combat). I had couple screenshot here:
G600 Macro.PNG
G600 Macro.PNG (195.08 KiB) Viewed 20963 times

and my 12 macros hotkeys are:
12 macro.PNG
12 macro.PNG (6.62 KiB) Viewed 20963 times



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Post Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:02 pm

Re: Experienced boxer, wants tips on Rotation

Do you mind giving a bit more detail on how you accomplished a good DPS rotation?
I've spent hours poring over various videos and I feel like I'm close, but not quite there.
My main problem is with having a channeled DPS ability with a cooldown in my rotation.
If I setup a "do not advance to next step for 3 sec" (channeling time), it doesn't get interrupted, but it also causes a problem when it's on cooldown, as my rotation doesn't advance to the next ability for 3 sec.


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Post Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:41 pm

Re: Experienced boxer, wants tips on Rotation

Yep, that happens.

To setup a smart rotation that deals with cooldowns and does not stop your rotation from functioning, you need to use timers and a few levels of mapped keys.

Using the Do Not Advance options is a basic setup, but does have limitations because you are working within a single mapped key, whereas you want your main rotation (mapped key) to still function, while being able to exclude steps (read: Skills) if they are on cooldown.

This thread started with a similar premise. I pointed ru2 to the same post I usually do, but as that is a little confusing with the multiple rotations that firescue17 is managing, after describing what do to, I ended up on the second page providing a couple of samples (depending on whether you are using virtualisation or not) you can download and check out. I suggest reading through the thread.


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Post Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:51 pm

Re: Experienced boxer, wants tips on Rotation

Thanks. Will do.


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Post Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:25 am

Re: Experienced boxer, wants tips on Rotation


In Warwaaagh response above it appears he posted a keymap "12 Macro.png". All I get is a graphic. I'd like to download that keymap if possible. Is there a link for it anywhere on the forums?

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