Post Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:50 pm

Opinions on this setup

I setup a button bar to hold my second char abilities. Took a few tries but it seems to be working OK. I wanted to run this by the community cause I've not seen it done this way, at least not in any of the guides I've read.

1) I do not use targeting and action keys in the same Action Group becasue that seems to be inconsistant. i.e. (action 1 on bar 1)

Alt+F->all other
1->all other

If done this way I think all the keystrokes Alt+F+1 are essentialy hit all at the same time. So the sequence may not happen properly.

2) To get around this I use the MOUSE OVER option for the button im editing/creating and setup a mapped key (two, one target me, one target my target) to properly target either me or my target and assign it to the mouse-over for the appropriate button. It works realy well for two-keystroke (target and fire) buttons. A nice side effect is I can see the target move around as I mouse-over the buttons. NOTE: for this to work properly I had to remove the HOLD ALT...(forget the name) setting.

This works for Follow, resetting Focus, etc.

This may have been discussed elsewhere but I did not see it so I thought I'd throw it out there.