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64 bit OS version?

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Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:42 pm

Post Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:49 pm

64 bit OS version?

Sorry if this is a double post but after using the search function I was unable to find an answer to this question.
I recently purchased Isboxer, followed the setup instructions and when I attempted to open a second instance of SWTOR it crashes both. The error message given is that isboxer does not support 64bit operating systems. Any tips other than changing OS's since software is incredibly expensive here.


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Post Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:13 pm

Re: 64 bit OS version?

If you get an error message saying that a 64-bit operating system is not supported, then it is full of shit and/or the wrong message. (Hence not finding the answer to this question...)

Very few people install a 32-bit operating system on a new PC, I certainly wouldn't recommend it.

when I attempted to open a second instance of SWTOR it crashes both

So... how did you attempt to open a second instance of SWTOR?

This may help
* "This program encountered an internal error and will exit. Error code: 1 Client initialization failed." - If you are launching SWTOR through Inner Space, but without ISBoxer, then when the second game instance is launched it will usually pop up a box like this one, after the first game instance disappears. You MUST launch your ISBoxer Character Set (e.g. from the ISBoxer Character Sets sub-menu in the Inner Space menu), rather than a SWTOR Game Profile directly through Inner Space, to solve this problem.

If that helped, then you didn't follow SWTOR:HOWTO Launch multiple instances, Part 5: Launch your new Character Set, feel free to direct me to the instructions you followed. :)


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Post Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:34 pm

Re: 64 bit OS version?

This is exactly what it says:

The program or feature "\??\C:\Program files(86x)\Electronic arts\bio ware\star wars-the old republic\launcher.exe" cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of windows. please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit windows compatible version is available

This is the message when i attempt to start a saved set from inner space, the odd thing is after this my start icon is also gone from my star wars file folder so i have to re-patch using the fix launcher.

I can only think if what you had said before is eitheri messed up along the way even though the directions were pretty easy to follow or theres another issue. Either way any help would be much appreciated.

The failed error code was 216

I uninstalled the software from lavishsoft and re installed mapped it all over again and it appears to work.

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