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Sticky Keys?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:32 am
by sadge

I've been 4 boxing SWTOR for the past couple of months with no issues until recently I redid my in-game keybindings for my hotbars. I have hotbar 2 set up to be "Shift+" and 1-=. I have my procs on hotbar 2 and now find that when I'm spamming proc keys, somehow it appears as though sticky keys get turned on (even though I have it disabled in the Window's Ease of Access menu. The affected character (it usually only seems to be 1 out of the 4) gets stuck activating itmes on hotbar 2 (the shift+ one) instead of activating hotbar 1 (1, 2, 3, etc).

Other topics seem to indicate that ticking the "make game believe it's always in foreground" box would fix this issue, but it did not work for me. Any ideas besides remapping this hotbar?

Other info in case needed: Windows 8 (uac off), innerspace 1.12 build 5944
