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Follow Me causing camera rotation to accelerate

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Post Thu Jan 23, 2020 10:34 pm

Follow Me causing camera rotation to accelerate

Hello! Picked SWTOR up again and ran into a weird issue. I have "Follow Me" set up for my four character set same as for my other games. Let's say the default game camera rotation speed is 100%. When I hit the "Follow Me" hotkey (in this case F11 or a DI key on my gamepad) the camera rotation jumps to 200%. If I hit it again it jumps to 300%. I'm making up these ratios for reference, but I can see in the game clients config file the "camera rotation speed" number is actually increasing each time I press the hotkey for follow. It gets to the point where rotating the camera with the left/right arrows spins so fast you can't make out whats happening on the screen. The follow does work and my three characters follow the leader even with the spinning silliness, FYI.

I can cease this behavior by activating "Mouse Repeat". Cursor moves on all screens and rotation instantly drops back to default speed. Characters stop following, as well.

Now, F11 and certainly the DI key on my gamepad do not show as a keybind to camera rotation speed in SWTOR settings.

I have never seen this on any other MMO I have used ISBoxer with.


Thanks as always!


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Post Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:21 pm

Re: Follow Me causing camera rotation to accelerate

ISboxer is essentially just sending keystrokes to the game. What the game does with those keystrokes is up to it.

So when you press F11 or DI, what is actually being sent to the game. And is that what the game is using for adjusting camera rotation. Failing that, what is the game using for adjusting camera rotation ?


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Post Fri Jan 24, 2020 2:06 pm

Re: Follow Me causing camera rotation to accelerate

That's pretty much what I figured. I have checked on all the in-game keys and related. No controls to modify camera rotation are apparent. In-game binding, follow hotkey, and variable keystroke is F11, so no multi-key or macro action going on. I also removed the DI key and gamepad from the scenario in case there was some weirdness there. Saw the same behavior when I simply press the F11 key on the keyboard. Party all follows as it is supposed to, camera rotation sky-rockets. Press broadcast mode, press left or right arrow, a brief accelerated camera spin starts then speed goes to normal, rotation problem non-existent until I press for follow. It definitely has a "toggled on" feel to it.

Mouse-look (press right mouse button and drag) is unaffected by the camera acceleration in all cases.

I will roll it around in my head a bit more, maybe build a new config with only follow setup and see if it occurs.

Any thoughts would be helpful.



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Post Sat Jan 25, 2020 5:27 pm

Re: Follow Me causing camera rotation to accelerate


If ISBoxer is sending F11, and it makes the rotation speed jump, can you replicate this without ISBoxer?
If it is not infact sending F11, and rather some other combination to trigger some in game macro, does that make the rotation speed jump?
Perhaps try another key for the in game Follow. Does that do the same thing?


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Post Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:13 am

Re: Follow Me causing camera rotation to accelerate

Hey Bob,

I poked around with this a bit. Some things I observerd.

- I have a solo character, but I'm spoiled and still use ISBoxer to run skill rotations for him. My follow setup is still in the config in case I decide to build a party around this character later. I noticed that pressing the follow key (F11) does nothing if pressed while alone. To the game that would still be me pressing F11 to activate follow as it it still set up in ISBoxer to pass. The difference is how ISBoxer handles, since it would not send F11 to the other characters as it does with my four member team, just my one client.

- I am going to see if with ISBoxer/InnerSpace not loadeded, the issue occurs when following between two logged in characters.

- I will change the keybind, hotkey, and all to something else. Ruling out F11 and the DI key originally used for Follow Me.

Thanks for the pointers as always!


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Post Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:59 pm

Re: Follow Me causing camera rotation to accelerate

OK, so I got SWTOR loaded on another PC and brought some characters together. 2nd character clicked to follow 1st character and the camera on the 1st character instantly jumps to ludicrous speed. 3rd player follows 1st character at the same time; 1st character goes to plaid. This is with no InnerSpace/IsBoxer loaded, three separate PC's, and they aren't even in a group together. This is clearly a game bug. The weirdest one I've seen yet, and this game has a pile of them.

So, I greatly appreciate the help as always. I will have to lean on SWTOR support again.

Have a great week!


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