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Add a note about Bit Raider and Fully downloading the game

Moderator: MiRai


Mr Trick

Posts: 2

Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:43 pm

Post Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:52 pm

Add a note about Bit Raider and Fully downloading the game

I've noticed that there is no mention in the stickied SWTOR HOWTO, or in the step by step guide wiki page that ISBoxer will disable Bit Raider which in-turn will cause the patcher to fully download the game on to your computer if it was not already. I thought I had already fully downloaded the game and that I was fully patched and ready to go. I didn't know that BitRaider was a streaming service and that the game wasn't fully downloaded on to my computer. I've heard of BitRaider but until now didn't really know what it was. So when I set-up ISBoxer and the patcher started what I thought was a "re-download" of the game, I thought something was wrong. Only after searching for a resolution to what I thought was an issue with the program did I find out that this was all normal, and that I was fully downloading the game for the first time.

Some of my google searches for answers led me to posts on this very forum. So I'm surprised that neither the HOWTO sticky, nor the step by step guide wiki page make mention of this. Both should be edited to make note of this dynamic.

Otherwise, I've had no issues and the program works great.


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Post Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:03 pm

Re: Add a note about Bit Raider and Fully downloading the game

Yeah, the HOWTO/Sticky is a little old, and the generic setup page doesn't cover game specific details.
But the good news is that it is mentioned in the video setup guide for SWTOR :).

If I could edit other ppls posts, I'd add yer suggestion.

Mr Trick

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Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:43 pm

Post Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:30 pm

Re: Add a note about Bit Raider and Fully downloading the game

Yes, I found that video during my google search for answers. Even a link to that video from either the sticky or the wiki page would be helpful.

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