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Mapped Key On Enter/Exit not working

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:50 am
by Jules

I have an issue with the "Mapped Key On Enter/Exit" with Video FX. It was working pretty nice last year (mid-december), but not anymore.

Steps to reproduce :

1. I create a Video FX Viewer on a dxNothing window and add just a Key Map (is01) to activate when the mouse enter the area


2. I click "Apply" and the Key Map field goes empty


Alternatively, if I put a Key Map + a Mapped Key, the settings are saved, but the given Mapped Key shortcut doesn't work when my mouse enter the VFX Area. I tried many things but I was not able to make it works.

Is there a way to download previous version of isBoxer ?

PS: Using isBoxer with EvEOnline

Re: Mapped Key On Enter/Exit not working

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:56 am
by bob
I'm going to say that if it ever worked it was a bug.

You should create a mapped key that enables/disables the Key Map in question. It is the intended way for that function to work.

Re: Mapped Key On Enter/Exit not working

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:27 am
by Jules
It's really unfortunate because it was really useful to be able to have a different Key Map activated depending on the Video FX Viewer my mouse is.

Is there a way to download the version 41.10.1116.1 ?

Re: Mapped Key On Enter/Exit not working

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:57 am
by lax
Is there a way to download previous version of isBoxer ?

Yes, but Reverting to the previous build is not going to affect anything at all in relation to your issue, which is neither a bug nor has it changed since it was implemented.

I create a Video FX Viewer on a dxNothing window and add just a Key Map (is01) to activate when the mouse enter the area
I click "Apply" and the Key Map field goes empty

Right, that's not how this works. It resets to nothing when you do this because it requires a Mapped Key to execute.

This feature performs a Mapped Key; it does not toggle anything on its own (like a Key Map to turn on/off), which is why bob says you'll need a Mapped Key to toggle a Key Map for you.

if I put a Key Map + a Mapped Key, the settings are saved, but the given Mapped Key shortcut doesn't work when my mouse enter the VFX Area. I tried many things but I was not able to make it works.

If your selected Mapped Key does nothing when you hover over the VFX with this set, it's most likely because the Key Map that you have the Mapped Key in, is not enabled. The Mapped Key can only be performed if the Key Map it's in is enabled.

Re: Mapped Key On Enter/Exit not working

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:05 pm
by bob
lax wrote:
if I put a Key Map + a Mapped Key, the settings are saved, but the given Mapped Key shortcut doesn't work when my mouse enter the VFX Area. I tried many things but I was not able to make it works.

If your selected Mapped Key does nothing when you hover over the VFX with this set, it's most likely because the Key Map that you have the Mapped Key in, is not enabled. The Mapped Key can only be performed if the Key Map it's in is enabled.

I was a little brief.

The mapped key that toggles on/off your Key Map needs to be in another Key Map that is already active, as Lax said. e.g. Always On.
The Mapped Key also needs to have 2 steps.
  • Step 1, runs a Key Map Action -> Key Map State Action to toggle on the Key Map you want (is01 in your case). The target only really needs to be self, although if you run Passthrough, then you may want the target to be/include the source of the VFX (this confuses me too and I can never remember it right). It does depend on what the Mapped Keys in the Key Map are used for and how they are targeted.
  • Step 2, has another Key Map Action -> Key Map State Action to toggle the Key Map off again.
The Mapped Key also needs to be set to Execute on "pressed OR released". That way Step 1 will execute on entry to the VFX area, and Step 2 will execute on exit of the VFX area.

Re: Mapped Key On Enter/Exit not working

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:17 pm
by Jules
Thanks for your help ! Works great now and this allow me to do even more things ;)