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Multiple healers Grid/Clique VFx

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:00 pm
by Zork
Is there a way to have multiple healers casting via clique/grid and Video Fx? e.g. Warrior tank, 4 priest team can I use clique/grid to heal tank from tank screen on any of the priests?

Or is there a better solution?

Re: Multiple healers Grid/Clique VFx

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:43 pm
by MiRai
My initial thought is that you'd need to set up multiple viewers -- one for each source (Priest) that you have -- if you want to control them separately. If you wanted less clutter, but maybe a bit less control, you could set up a generic Repeater Region.

If you want the most control and the least clutter... well, then you're looking at something super custom that you'd have to design yourself using more advanced healing techniques:

viewtopic.php?f=42&t=2911 ... ns-HealBot (outdated, but has good examples and will still work if you're willing to figure things out)

Re: Multiple healers Grid/Clique VFx

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 4:39 pm
by Zork
Thanks for the link MiRai, that's what I was picturing/wanting (or similar.) On the to-do list for now, I was hoping I missed something obvious.

Yeah, 4 Fx Viewers makes my inner minimalist cringe. I already have more clutter than I'd prefer and now with my shrunken screen(s) . . . I'm feeling 4 more monitors and building a new box is in my distant future . . . marriage permitting.

I'm thinking ISBoxer might need a disclaimer: "It's like crack, but slightly, yet not insignificantly, more addictive." ;o)

Because (IMHO) 5-boxing an instance and wiping is more fun than 95% of the RDF's I've tanked.

Thank you,