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How do you use ISBoxer 40's "Other Window Sources" feature?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:32 am
by Alge
How do you use ISBoxer 40's "Other Window Sources" feature?

Here is my contribution...


Just to the left of the compass at the top of the screen is a small Video FX Viewer which just shows the tabs of the IRC channels I want to monitor, hooked directly in from my IRC client using an "Other Window Source". The blue tab indicates activity in that channel that I might want to check out. I also use a Video FX Focus Hotkey so I can easily switch to my IRC client without having to Alt+Tab through about a bazillion windows.

Anyway, I'm keen to see what others come up with.

Re: How do you use ISBoxer 40's "Other Window Sources" feature?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:42 am
by Alge
And another...

What do you do when you game has no in-game dungeon maps and no addons? You make your own in-game dungeon map using ISBoxer! In the picture below the arrowed and highlighted area is a VFX Viewer using Firefox as the "Other Window Source". Then I just selected the part of the webpage with the map in it and set the opacity of the viewer at 50%. Firefox is open to a web page with that map on it and is sitting behind all my game windows.


EDIT: clarity? maybe?