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New Key String Action

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:26 am

Re: New Key String Action

I think I've decided that what I was trying to do will not work. Here's why.

lax wrote:Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: /Slash Commands and Text Strings
ISBoxer will combine the Keystrokes that go to the same Target

I got the mapped key to work in 2 steps
step 1 action / -> self
action cast fireball -> ATG
step 2 action enter -> self

Putting a different target between the 2 keystroke actions makes it work, without the change in target ISBoxer tries to do all the keystroke actions before anything else, even if the keystroke actions are in different steps

With this mapped key

step 1 action / -> self
action cast fireball -> self
step 2 action enter -> self

pressing hotkey would open the chat box placing / in it, releasing hotkey would press enter closing the chat box. Then I would get an unknown command in the chat window I assume from trying to pass cast fireball to the chat window.

So I got it to work. Tried to add it to a DPS rotation macro with a second spell, same structure just cast life leech instead of fireball.

step 1 do mapped key life leech
step 2 do mapped key fireball

They keystroke actions had the same problem. I would be in a loop of just opening/closing the chat box. Even changing the ATG's produced the same problem.

firescue17 wrote:Out of curiosity, which Keystring method are you using:

1) Copy and paste from clipboard; or

2) the other funky method

I tried both. The other funky method went to the window too fast. Or maybe out of order. All of the letters would do what they are bound to in my settings (L would open the quest log), and then my chat box would open.

As an off topic to firescue17. I don't know if this would be useful at all, or at this stage of your profile. Would making a key map that contained keystroke actions for every letter of the alphabet plus space, /, and enter, then making mapped keys for useful words like /cast(space) or /alt advance, save you any time? Or is it too late for that?

Thanks everyone for your help. Now to relearn Rift macros.


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Post Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:36 am

Re: New Key String Action

Asalom wrote:As an off topic to firescue17. I don't know if this would be useful at all, or at this stage of your profile. Would making a key map that contained keystroke actions for every letter of the alphabet plus space, /, and enter, then making mapped keys for useful words like /cast(space) or /alt advance, save you any time?
It would only add unnecessary bloat to the profile. I can't foresee any benefit to this.

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