Post Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:29 pm

nVidia Dual GPU Cards

We usually recommend that people don't purchase dual GPU cards or run SLI for multiboxing because it can hurt
performance. Browsing the Anandtech forums today I stumbled upon a thread about nVidia dual GPU cards and the
fact that the internal SLI can be turned off so both GPUs run separate.

Replies #6, #7, and #11 confirm:
Owning a 590, yes you can easily just check the box in the control panel that turns off SLI mode.

You then have the option of forcing physx to use the second gpu, or allowing the driver to determine which GPU gets used for physx.

So it is extremely easy to turn off SLI if you decided you don't want dual cards running.
Yes you can "disable SLI" with a dual GPU Nvidia card. The Nvidia Control Panel does not call it SLI if it is one physical card with two GPUs, but rather something like "multiple GPU acceleration" or something like that.
Yes, there is a "Disable multi-GPU mode" option in the "Configure Multi-GPU, PhysX, Surround" section of the Nvidia Control Panel.