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Multiple keyboards/pads different functions

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 61

Joined: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:01 am

Post Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:36 am

Multiple keyboards/pads different functions

Hello there people. Its me, Manic Mr Magoo.

If you are like me you are a cheap SOB. Or maybe you like getting bang for buck?

Personally, I am never happier than when I am banging away on the cheap! :mrgreen:

Quite often the advice you will get when faced with a computer problem boils down to "spend more money". Now I will be the first to admit that throwing money (away) at the problem will often solve it. But balls to that!
Back in the great depression you had to learn how to do things WITHOUT any of this new age fandangled "money" you often hear about.

I think I will start a series called: Mr Magoo's Guide to Multiboxing on the Cheap and Nasty

Anyways. On to the post.

Desire :twisted:
- I don't want to spend 100's of dollars on a "loogietech G99XR Supreme Aw3som3 G@m3z" keyboard just to get 8 extra buttons, glowy lights I don't need and a macro program that I can pretend I am not cheating with because it comes with the keyboard. Don't forget the WASD keys that are a different colour - VERY important that one. Also the ability to press 6 keys at once because I often find myself smashing my face into the keyboard at the stupidity of the younger generation and I don't want any of those keys missed out because my keyboard cannot handle that.
- I want to just use this spare old keyboard or number pad I have lying around!

Problem :o
- WAAA! <Insert favourite macro program no one will admit to using> has let me down and it wont work. WAAA!

Solution :idea::ugeek::idea:
First of all: stop being such a damned whiner!

I have researched this a bit and found all sorts of misleading information. Some people will tell you to use this "great" program called "HID Macros". Some will claim that with the right libraries and a mere 4000 lines of incomprehensible code you can do it in autohotkey.
Bollucks to the lot of it I say. They are terrible solutions! HID Macros is a disgusting program and about as intuitive as my Betamax. And the punch cards I used to program with back in the day are more user friendly than Autohotkey's quirky, ugly scripting language!

Script kiddies and their horrible "easy" scripting languages that look like crap when someone uses it for something more complicated than "Hello World"...can't live with em, illegal to stuff them in the waste disposal...apparently......(shouldn't be).......

Not to mention you can get bannededed if they catch you with these programs!

Enter Interceptor. The name even sounds cool. And it is.

All the info you need is in the following website. To download the last file you need to register a free forum account but I suppose it is worth it. ( I could post it here but I am not sure that would be the (copy) right thing to do...not that I care about copyright myself of course....)

With this awesome program you can rebind keys from a particular device to whatever the hell you want.

For me I have rebindeded the numpad I have to a bunch of handy hot keys and keep it next to my keyboard. When doing some sort of boring fight I may even just rest it on my knee or something. It has command line params which allow you to load up a different .ini file so switching keybinds is just a click away...hell make a macro!

I might even write G1-18 on the keys so I can feel awesome like the richie Mc Riches and their fangaled glow in the dark because they are scared of the dark and need a night light stupid keyboards. :)

Sour grapes you say? Why certainly! And you can leave the bottle. I need a drink!

I have tested this briefly on Rift with innerspace and a few other places and all worked as expected. Because this binds at the kernal level it bypasses any of the software you may have running on top.

Of course if you are binding anything more complicated than a standard device (such as a gaming device with its own drivers installed) your milage may vary.

If you are so inclined it would be trivial to create your own wierdo keyboard such as this person has done:

Just gut an old, even broken, keyboard and rewire with cheap parts from a surplus electronics store. Don't bother with the fancy wood finish this money waster has used. It is a fricken FOOT keyboard for gods sake!
The best thing about this is that it also doubles as a foot rest when you are not using it!

For example I have some old wood planks under the house and a couple of L shaped braces for a bookshelf I made a dual monitor stand out of. Took me 1 hour. I can even tilt the monitors by jamming a piece of wood underneath the bottom. Did not even bother to cut any of the wood. Why? Nobody can see it! A few drill holes and long monitor-sized bolts I had and I was done. It also is solid as all buggery thanks to the thickness of the base.

monitor stand.jpg
High Quality Monitor Stand
monitor stand.jpg (85.64 KiB) Viewed 9962 times
Last edited by mrmagoo on Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:31 pm, edited 7 times in total.


Posts: 61

Joined: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:01 am

Post Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:27 am

Re: Multiple keyboards/pads different functions

I made some superficial modifications to the keypad and now in my opinion looks exactly the same as a logitech GXX gaming keyboard.

It even has LED lights and keys that have the letter G on them!!

Here is a pic which I think you will agree is awesome:
super awesome keyboard.jpg
super awesome keyboard.jpg (59.28 KiB) Viewed 9962 times

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