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[FEATURE REQUEST] Allow Round Robin Target

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:51 pm

[FEATURE REQUEST] Allow Round Robin Target

In the mapper key picker, it would be great if we could have an option to "Round Robin" within the target group. I have created healer clickbars for LOTRO for each character spot, but want to CTRL+Click to round-robin the heals, versus a normal click have all of the group members throw a heal.

Any chance of this?


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Post Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:26 pm

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Allow Round Robin Target

I'm not entirely clear on what you want, but it sounds like what you want is already in ISBoxer.

You can already set your Click Bar to do different things if you're holding modifier keys. So, you would have your regular Mapped Key, your round-robin Mapped Key, and then assign them both to your Click Bar.

If this isn't what you're looking for, maybe you can give another example?


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:03 am

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Allow Round Robin Target

While I think I can get the functionality by doing what you describe, it makes for a whole lot of extra Mapped Keys, whereas by adding the round-robin option to the ClickBar target selection, would keep it cleaner.

In my particular case, I already have 6 separate click-bars, with 3 icons each, that each point to a different mapped key. This mapped key is targeting "self", and the click bar targets the action target group "Healers" which is dynamically assigned based on a separate click-bar which toggles each slot into the healer group.

Creating a round-robin option would require me to edit the click-bars to target "self", and then the 18 mapped keys to target "Healers", then create an additional 18 mapped keys, which is a fairly tedious task. While I understand that additional coding/testing is also some work, I could see this providing benefits elsewhere. I prefer to have the targeting group at the highest layer for ease of later understanding and modification. By hiding it in the Key Map, it creates potential problems later.

I'm also wondering if we might have some way of including some variables of our own (i.e., {SLOT}) in clickbars. For instance, here I have to have 6 separate Keymaps which do essentially the same thing after targeting a different slot. If I could have an integer that I could set for a click bar, then I could have a single set of 3 actions, which I would pass in the clickbar number to, and then target the appropriate slot number accordingly.


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:50 am

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Allow Round Robin Target

I had started implementing fully custom variables at one point, but then it occurred to me that people would want to set them during gameplay and the implementation would balloon at that point and open a whole new can of worms.

I can't promise that Round-robin will be added to Click Bar button mechanics =/ Unless you're doing more than one type of click combo (e.g. Shift+Mouse1 does one thing, Ctrl+Mouse1 does another thing), then you're probably better off using a Menu instead of a Click Bar, and you may be able to eliminate some of your Mapped Keys that were tied to Click Bars -- and you can Round-robin.


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:43 am

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Allow Round Robin Target

I can play around with that some more.

I tried to implement a menu to resemble the Fellowship Maneuver wheel in LOTRO for when my team gets a conjunction active. However all I got was a big black box, and I'm not sure what I did wrong. I ended up just implementing it in a 2x2 clickbar, since they seem to be much easier to setup.

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