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Launcher Crashes, Frozen Clients, Resolution Problems. HELP

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Posts: 2

Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:50 pm

Post Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:35 pm

Launcher Crashes, Frozen Clients, Resolution Problems. HELP

I recently built a new multiboxing rig exclusively for STO. I installed Windows 10, firmware/drivers, and let Windows Update do its thing, then installed STO and played casually with a single client for a couple of days to make sure things were running well, and everything checked out. Then I installed isboxer, and I've had nothing but troubles and frustration ever since. I've been running isboxer successfully for several months now on my primary desktop, so the problems I'm facing here are unique to the new build.

At first I was having the seemingly common "Client crashes after hitting Engage", which I was able to get past by toggling off DirectX9 support (but keeping the others) in the Innerspace configurator.

Once I got that figured out, I ran into an issue where my profiles would only launch the first client in the list, despite my having set the profile to launch the next client 1s after the previous. For anything beyond that I had to go into InnerSpace and run the profile again until every client is activated. I don't have this problem with profiles created on my other computer, which really baffles me since it's not like I made a tons of advanced changes to the profile or anything... as far as I can tell, literally the only difference between the "working" profiles that load all my clients vs the ones that don't, is that the ones that don't were created on the new machine instead of ported over on a flash drive.

Finally -- and this is my biggest problem -- no matter what, on the new machine I can NEVER, under ANY circumstances, control anything other than the first client that is opened -- and that is only if I'm running one of the profiles from the "working" machine. Otherwise the clients open and get to the character selection screen, but the only mouse press or keystroke that affects the client is alt-F4. Right now I'm running two clients on it... the first works just fine and I can play normally, but if I try to select the second client, my mouse and keyboard will not interact with the game window. I see the cursor moving, (sometimes it's the stock Windows cursor; other times it's the STO curser), but it's as though the bindings and passthroughs are stuck on that first client, so although the second one is running, no clicks or keypresses are actually being passed through to it.

I've got a few goodies here:
Crash Diagnostic - http://pastebin.com/zXwMiCEm
DxDiag - http://pastebin.com/Y9J4tFHH
ISBoxerToolkitProfile.xml is too large for pastebin, so I've attached it.

Does ANYBODY have ANY ideas what may be up with this? The fact that the vanilla client runs perfectly really has me flummoxed.

*Edit - Forgot to also mention, Periodically I've been having a strange resolution issue where the game client is rendered full screen (2560x1440), but the HUD and menus are stuck in what looks like about 1280x720. Weird.
Too large for Pastebin
(516.83 KiB) Downloaded 990 times


Posts: 2

Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:50 pm

Post Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:08 pm

Re: Launcher Crashes, Frozen Clients, Resolution Problems. HELP

Just following up here -- with regard to the "frozen" client -- appears that Inner Space is *launching* the second client, but it doesn't detect it as an "active" window, if that makes sense. When I select the primary window it gives the message "Set Two - Active Window" or whatever. When I go to the other window, I don't get that dialog.

I'm beyond frustrated at this point and really don't know what else to try short of formatting the machine and starting over.

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