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How to set STO in game movable windows to default position

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:15 pm
by Ridosaw
One thing that annoyed me more than anything, while multi-boxing a 5 man team in STO, was the in game windows would get moved, and mouse cloning would fail to line up.

I looked all over the Internet to see if there was command in game to reset all windows to their default position. I never found anything. I found plenty of posts asking if anyone knew how to set them to their default positions though.

I went through all the STO commands and FOUND the command that does this.

The in game command is GenMovableBoxResetAllPositions. So just bind this to a key in game with the bind command. I used the bind command to bind the Insert key to this. By typing this in the chat window and pressing enter.

/bind insert genmovableboxresetallposistions

But remember ground and space are 2 different key bind sets. So you need to type this in chat while in space and on the ground for it to work in both.

Enjoy :roll: