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Swordsman MMO 2018 ?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 12:04 am
by Bonesalot
Is there a procedure now for using isboxer for swordsman mmo? That will allow dxnothing and keybroadcasting.

I have a batch file I run to launch 6 copies.
taskkill /F /IM arc.exe
sleep 2000
start "" "D:\Program Files (x86)\Arc\ArcLauncher.exe" gamecustom swm

I run this batch file, as soon as one account launches, i run it again, and again to launch 6 games. Works just fine.

But I want to be able to launch a team for isboxer and employ the dxnothing and key broadcasting.

I have tried to add swordsman and point it to ARC.exe and to xajh.exe but isboxer never recognizes the sowrdsman windows to let me use window layouts and broadcasting.