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[Suggestion] Repeat alt mouse buttons as keys

Moderator: MiRai



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Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:36 pm

Post Fri Apr 23, 2010 3:46 pm

[Suggestion] Repeat alt mouse buttons as keys

It would be nice if there was an option to pass some mouse buttons as keyboard events. I would like to have M3 and M4 repeat without repeating my mouse cursor if that makes any sense.


Grandmaster Guidesmith

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Post Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:46 pm

Re: [Suggestion] Repeat alt mouse buttons as keys

You can make a mapped key for this.
I have both mouse thumb buttons as mapped keys.

I made a mapped key, in the General Keymap.
Called it Mouse 4.

Click on the name (Mouse 4) and set the hotkey, by clicking the arrow to the right of the hotkey field.
Again, click the arrow to the right of where it says Key, and scroll down to Mouse 4.

Then click on the 1, under Steps.
Right click on Actions, selecting Keystroke Action.
I choose all windows as the target, and Mouse 4 as the action.

I did the same for Mouse 5.
Except instead of sending Mouse 5 to all windows, it does FTL Follow Me, Target: Current Window.
So one mouse button sends that button to all windows (with wow keybinds doing things like Holy Nova or whatever, on that keybind), while the other is my follow key.
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Post Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:25 am

Re: [Suggestion] Repeat alt mouse buttons as keys

What Ualaa said :)

As far as Repeater is concerned, keyboard is keyboard and mouse is mouse (except that mouse repeat also passes modifiers alt,ctrl and shift). A Mapped Key (or a few) is the best way to handle this special desired functionality -- all 5 standard mouse buttons work for both Hotkeys and Key Combinations. Any past 5 are special buttons added by the manufacturer and do not necessarily behave in a standard way, but native support for many input device buttons can be added to IS and ISBoxer

Also, you can put a Sync Cursor action before the Keystroke Action that sends mouse3 mouse4 or mouse5, etc. This will help prevent problems with the cursor being positioned over UI elements that would otherwise steal the click, by syncing the cursor to the position in the main window.

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