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how to get isboxer to forget toon

PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:54 pm
by strongbus
when i got to setup a group of toons in isboxer it can sometimes show the same name of toons on more then 1 account how do i make isboxer for get that list and remake a new one?

Re: how to get isboxer to forget toon

PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:04 am
by bob
ISboxer is either reading toon names from your games configuration files, or from the existing toons in ISBoxer. To forget them, you either need to delete the games config files (and thus the settings for your characters), or you delete the ISboxer profile, all depending on what the source is.

As you are talking about accounts, then I suspect this is WoW. In which case, the WTF folder structure is where it is reading the toon/account info from. If you happen to have multiple WoW installations registered as games in Inner Space, then it may be you have the same toon names on different accounts for these multiple installations. If not, then perhaps you have done transfers, and the old data is still there?.

/edit: spelling

Re: how to get isboxer to forget toon

PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:05 am
by lax
We don't know for sure what game you're playing. I'm just going to assume WoW

ISBoxer can auto-detect Characters you've logged into, for various games. For WoW, it reads these from your WTF\Account folder. If you've moved Characters from one account to another, your PC may still contain files in this folder from the Character on its old Account. To fix that, you will want to go to your World of Wacraft\WTF\Account folder, locate the OLD account for the Character, and then within the account-specific folder there is a Server/Realm folder and then a Character folder, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<AccountName>\Bleeding Hollow\<CharacterName>\. Delete the folder for the Character you would like to remove from the list.