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Repeating Key

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 2

Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:10 pm

Post Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:19 pm

Repeating Key

I'm currently having a problem with my AoE DPS Rotation key. I have the hotkey set to 3 in Combat Hotkeys. This does "Do AOE DPS Rotation in ISB42 - Virtual Combat Key Map -> all. I have a Warrior - Protection Combar Hotkeys, Mage - Fire Combat Hots keys, Rogue - Combat Combat Hotkeys and Hunter - Marksmanship Combat Hotkey Keymap that all have 1 step that does a key Combination of 5-> self. Whenever I have all my characters launched and in-game, if I press 3, iI get an endless string of "5" sent to each of the clients. This doesn't stop unless I kill Innerspace. I have a similar (although different kets) set up for DPS Rotation where I do not see this problem. I've tried different keys, eliminated possibilities of other programs interfering, tried copying the DPS rotation and renaming appropriately to hook everything back up, but I continue to see this endless amount of key presses sent to each client. If I only have one character in game, the AOE DPS Rotation works fine. I'm really scratching my head wondering what I've set up incorrectly. I'm wondering if someone wouldn't mind taking a look at my profile or make any suggestions about what I have done wrong. Thanks.
https://gist.github.com/DustinEMiller/5 ... d7f1871994


Posts: 2

Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:10 pm

Post Wed Jun 16, 2021 1:12 pm

Re: Repeating Key

OK, I've figured out the problem. When I created the Key Maps for each of the different specs, I just copied the ISB42 - Combat Hot Keys. My Priest did not have a DPS Rotation set up, however, there was still a "Do AOE DPS Rotation in ISB42 - Virtual Combat Key Map -> all" from the copy I did earlier. This was creating an endless loop, sending keypresses over and over again to my other clients.

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