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Assist problem

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Post Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:10 am

Assist problem

Is there away to make my follower assist me when my game do not have assist button?
Most game got assist key or /assist <name >
I was thinking of torn on mouse broad cast to my follower. I wanted to triple box
Is there away I can broadcast mouse to just one follower?


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Post Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:24 am

Re: Assist problem

If your game does not have an Assist function or /assist from the console, then you will not get an assist method. ISBoxer does not magically solve this for you.

Some games, like D3, are isometric fixed perspective, so broadcasting movement is fine, provided you try and minimise lag to each window, usually by setting them with all the same graphics settings and run them with the same FPS (this is set in the CPU Strategy).

If you wanted to broadcast the mouse to just a single follower, then you could set that by
  1. Goto ISB42 - Toggles -> Activate Mouse Repeat (current window) mapped key, right click on it and select Copy Mapped Key to Clipboard
  2. Goto ISB42 - Custom Hotkeys, right click on the Mapped Key node and select Paste Mapped Key from Clipboard
  3. Right click on the mapped key and rename it to something appropriate
  4. Set a hotkey on the mapped key
  5. Expand it out and select Step 1
  6. Change the "New Repeater Target" the first action of Step 1 to be the toon/slot or ATG you want to broadcast the mouse too
  7. Export to Inner Space



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Post Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:05 am

Re: Assist problem

This is way cool ! If I understand it right if I press a key it will repeat what I do on main screen to my follower.
If I want it go to just my second follower may I select char slot 2 only.
So if I press it again it will turn it off?
The only way to attack in my game is to click the mob.
It is similar to POE only a few button to press mostly 1,2,3...9,0
Is there away I can make one button that can cycle from 0-9 per chance?
I can't wait to try your advice out
Thanks Bob


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Post Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:27 am

Re: Assist problem

If I want it go to just my second follower may I select char slot 2 only.
So if I press it again it will turn it off?
Yes - with this mapped key you can turn it on/off

The only way to attack in my game is to click the mob.
It is similar to POE only a few button to press mostly 1,2,3...9,0
Is there away I can make one button that can cycle from 0-9 per chance?
Yes. Right click the Mapped Keys node in the ISB42 - Custom Hotkeys, create a new Mapped Key. Add a step for each keypress you want. For each step, right click the Actions node, and select Keystroke Actions -> Keystroke Action. Set the key you want to go to the game in the action, and the Target (the games to receive it).


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Post Sat Sep 23, 2017 4:30 pm

Re: Assist problem

Hi Bob
Thanks so much !!!!
I play actively with 2 in main comp and dps team on second PC
At time moving around not so eye pleasing they bundle up
You got any suggestions ?


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Post Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:40 pm

Re: Assist problem

If you are playing a POE like game, then yes they will bundle up, and they will generally need to for you to effectively move.

I don't really have any suggestions as without having played your particular game, or knowing how the game mechanics work or what functions are available. If you don't have a Follow, then you are stuck with what is available for game control and how the game responds to that control.


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Post Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:15 am

Re: Assist problem

Hi Bob,
It has been a week and I am enjoying multiboxing. I can make two toon follow each other and I still need some more control with assisting.
Here is the situation: My game has no assist function but does have a focus target. The only way to attack anything is click on it and the toon has to face it or it wont shoot.

I play on my warrior. I attack the mob. I then activate the mouse repeater like you teach me and some time that work but sometime it won't do because the archer window facing a totally different angle. So on my warrior I click the mob but on my archer window i end up click the tree for example. The annoying part is the warrior is a follower and always a few steps behind me is there a way I can make it in "SYNC" with my warrior? Maybe this way it can see what I see and stand at same spot with me or always try to be on top of me so that when I use the "mouse repeater" it will be more effective.
At the moment I play on just one monitor and stick to a team of just two until I learn more.
Is there a way to tell my follower to keep on walking and have it park on top of me and preferably facing the same way?
At the present. I play two toon one warrior and one archer. I see the mob I stop. I use the Mouse repeater and switch screen the two and click and fight using the one button custom Hotkey keystroke action ... This is fine but at time I got gank and new mob keep coming and switching screen constantly is confusing and thus too slow to switch target and I often take a dirt nap.
My archer follow the warrior and if I stop the warrior and I ask the archer move forward say 5 step to stand on top of warrior? Fixing this only put archer on top of warrior but it does not solve the angle of view problem.


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Post Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:22 am

Re: Assist problem

Please state the name of your game. Then others who may have played it can chime in with any experience they have with it (or we might even be able to install it and have a nosey)

As for the rest.

Of your game has a Focus Target, does it also have a Focus Targets Target (which is effectively what we call Assist)?.

For setting the camera angle and view. You either need to know that your slaves are following you around so their views will be out of place a bit and compensate best you can with your movement, or check out to see if you can "reset" the camera view in your game via a keystroke / macro which you could then use in a mapped key sequence.

On Follow, your followers normally are behind you and do not end up resting in the exact same spot. It is the nature of the games, and their built in mechanics. Nothing ISBoxer does will change that. You could setup a mapped key to send set movement commands to only your slave toons. i.e. use the Mapped Key wizard to create a Key ReMap, and using something like CTRL+W as the hotkey, to W as the Key Combination, with a target of Window: All w/current, and the "Hold this keystroke" option ticked, you can then use this mapped key (CTRL+W) to move your slave toon, from your main. So you could use it to get those extra 5 steps.


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Post Fri Oct 06, 2017 10:25 am

Re: Assist problem

Hi Bob
I think you may have solve my 2 man team assisting problem. Warrior and archer can acquire target same time from " mouse repeater" but archer would not auto shoot unless it facing straight at the target . At the moment I have to switch toon a lot to make things work. My game has a option for walking with a mouse (holding down right and left click) with a mouse and a option for mouse toggle (I can change my viewing angle by moving the mouse.)
Is there a way we can be on the current window and hold down a button (F3) and use mouse to change the viewing angle or move on second window? If not we will have to stick to your "Key ReMap"
I often get excited when the mob hit me and hitting CTRL with W,A,S,D and hold keystroke option ticked can be done and will take some practice.
thanks Bob

War Dog
Last edited by loanky on Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Fri Oct 06, 2017 11:24 am

Re: Assist problem

There is a Hold To Control set of mapped keys in the ISB42 - Base Hotkeys key map. The number refers to the slot that it will control, so if you are running two toons, one will be slot 1 and the other slot 2. Set a hotkey for these, and then while you HOLD DOWN the hotkey, it will give you control of the other toon without switching to them, so you should be able to move them around.


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