Post Mon Nov 28, 2016 9:47 pm

Issue with virtual mapped keys

I have taken a working config from another machine (pre 42) and am trying to modify it for this new machine. Some things are not working as I expect, so I'd appreciate some suggestions.

I have based my config on firescue17's posts. I have a virtual G15 which is menu based, and everything relies on virtual mapped keys. I'm not seeing the virtualization that I expected (and was used to).

To walk things through. The G keys are assigned to menu buttons (I may make these hotkeys in the future). I know the menu buttons are working, because some of the simpler tasks that do not rely on virtualization work correctly.
I have one test key (G5 on the first menu), which should display popup text if the 3rd character has focus. There is a mapped key action for that button "Do Hello in 110 - CHARACTER TEMPLATE Key Map -> self".

The third character in the paste (Character3Name) maps a generic character template to a character-specific keymap. (This is the first virtual mapped key for Character3). My expectation (and recollection) was that when the mapped key action occurs, that the character-specific version will be performed. About half-way through the paste (sure wish I had line numbers) we see "110 - Character3Name", and the second mapped key is "Hello". It has a single PopupTextAction. This is never seen (nor is any popup text seen, so it isn't like something is overwriting it).

It has been a while since I've used ISBoxer, and I'm sure that I'm forgetting something important. But I'm at a loss right now.

Thanks for reading this.