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[WoW] Duel Spec Keymapping

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Posts: 13

Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:41 am

Post Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:58 pm

Duel Spec Keymapping

I am in search of an easier way to handle duel specs than what I have come up with so far. I think I know how it 'should' work but I'm not having much luck getting it configured.

Here's what I want to accomplish.

Three Pally's, two with duel spec. This gives me the option of running three dps, tank/two dps, healer/two dps, tank/dps/healer.

When I swap one into heal spec I want to disable that toons dps keymaps, turn off follow, and then use a repeater region to control this toon's healing duty. At least I assume that's what I want to do. If that's wrong then please inform. ;)

So far the only way I've been able to accomplish this is to have a completely separate profile that I then load into innerspace when I change specs to this setup. I'm not able to get my keymaps to toggle off dps on that one toon for some reason. I setup a keymap to turn off the dps keymap but when I start with the dps rotation the healer is still receiving dps keys.

Healer just needs to stand there and look pretty while it heals. I use Vuhdo exclusively while healing and not duel boxing and all the healing I do is from mouse clicks, so a repeater region would be perfect. I just don't want the healer to do any other actions from action bars etc

However, when I try to disable the dps keymap it's still trying to dps.


Grandmaster Guidesmith

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Post Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:22 am

Re: Duel Spec Keymapping

In IS Boxer Toolkit, navigate to Control Keymaps.

On the left pane, right click on Mapped Keys and select a new Keymap.
Give the keymap a descriptive name, and an extra step.
Pick a hotkey for it too.

Click on the 1 under steps (left pane)
On the right pane, right click on Actions.
Select: Key Map Actions >> New Keymap State Action.
On the right, select the healers name as the target.
On the right, select FTL DPS Keys as the Keymap.
On the right, select Off as the last option.

(Optional) - Right click on Actions and select New Pop Up Text Action.
Target will be All with Current.
Text will be, "DPS Keys off for Healer's Name".

(Optional) - Right click on Actions and select Keystroke Actions >> New World of Warcraft Macro Action.
Pick your dual spec Paladin as the target.
Pick an unused key combination.
In the macro commands area, enter: /usetalents 2

On Step 2, we are going to do the reverse.

A Keymap action to enable the FTL DPS keys for the Paladin.
An optional popup text announcing the DPS keys are on again.
And optionally the opposite talent spec, which is: /usetalents 1

You can create a Repeater Region normally.

The easiest method will be to create the region over the Vuhdo frames, and save it as "auto".
This means the region is automatically loaded, when you use this character set.

Optionally, you can save it as a different name.
Which means you'll manually have to open the GUI.
And load the repeater region.

I'd go with "auto", and then have the option to use Repeater by clicking in the Vuhdo area on any spec.
It's easier that way.
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Posts: 13

Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:41 am

Post Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:25 pm

Re: Duel Spec Keymapping

That's exactly what I have been doing. Went back and followed those instructions above to the letter...and it does not work. So I shall describe what I want, what I expect, and what is happening.

What I want?
When Pally2 switches from dps to healer, dps keys become inactive since all healing will be done via a repeater region.

What I expect?
To have a keymap that will simply disable the dps keymap on the healing toon and only the healing toon leaving the dps map working as normal for the rest of the team.

I make a keymap state toggle as descibed by Ualaa above for Pally2.

What is Happening?
When I press the toggle key to turn off the dps map, nothing is any different than before I toggled. Keys are still passing to the healer.

I have exported changes several times, reloaded innerspace, closed and re-opened the game. Either the directions described by Ualaa above are wrong, or there is a bug in the program if they are correct.

I have found a work around to achieve my goal but it doesn't seem to be what was intended. It's very cumbersome and a long way around. I have two identical dps keymaps, one broadcasts to All w/current, the other only broadcasts to every toon except the healer. And I have a toggle that will turn the All w/current off and turn on the "all w/o healer." However, IT ONLY WORKS BY TOGGLING EACH INDIVIDUAL KEY IN EACH MAP. I cannot simply point to each map as a whole.

So instead of a toggle in what I've described above that looks like this for example:

Hotkey press
Turns off DPS MAP to "all"
Turns on DPS MAP to "all minus Healer"

It looks like this before it works:

Hotkey press
Turn off DPS KEY 1 in "all" map
Turn on DPS KEY 1 in "all except healer" map

Turn off DPS KEY 2 in "all" map
Turn on DPS KEY 2 in "all except healer" map

So forth and so on.....until I've done this for every single key and then of course doing the opposite for the whole list for when healer changes to dps again.


Posts: 13

Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:41 am

Post Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:52 pm

Re: Duel Spec Keymapping

ISBoxer chat room is awesome!!! Action target groups dur...

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