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Follow/Assist stopped working after latest patch.

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:56 pm

Follow/Assist stopped working after latest patch.


Good afternoon, I have been using ISBoxer for about a week and was initially able to set up the follow and assist to work from any character by following MiRai's video. Unfortunately, after the patch I logged back in, made some changes for my burn keys and uploaded them. At that point I realized I had not saved my initial settings from before. Now I am attempting to fix all this and most likely making it worse. I am a noob when it comes to working with programs like this. I like to try, but lack the background.

Anyways, I am running a 5 box with a tank, rogue, bard, shaman, and cleric in in EQ1. If anyone has some suggestions, for this or anything else, I am all ears.

So far I had follow, assist, sit, and a key set to do second phase dmg (dots, aa's, or disc.) [F5] on the list. I was working on my burns [F8 and F9] but had not gotten them to work yet. Oh I added my pastebin at the top.

Thank you again for any help that may be out there.


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Post Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:02 pm

Re: Follow/Assist stopped working after latest patch.

There are a few things that I noticed about your profile.

First, you have deleted the default Follow and Assist Mapped Keys in the "Base Hotkeys" Key Map, and then replaced them with your own. The problem with these is that you're sending the command to "Window:Current," which means it's only going to be sent to the current character you're playing from, when, in fact, you would want those commands sent to the other characters in your party (e.g. All w/o Current).

In addition, you have Ctrl+Num7 bound to the "Follow Me (Target Slot)" Mapped Key in the Party Key Map, which was originally linked to the now deleted "Follow Me" Mapped Key from "Base Hotkeys." This might work if your Follow command, in game, was bound to Num /, as is defined at the Character Set level, but it is also defined as Ctrl+F1 in the global Variable Keystrokes section. So I'm not sure what is expected in game. I would also suggest not setting any Hotkeys in Key Maps which do not contain the word "Hotkeys," because they do not get disabled with the standard toggle.

Finally, I will say that the basic configuration found in the Variable Keystrokes video is quite old and is no longer applicable. The ISBoxer 42 Quick Setup Wizard automatically configures the F-keys, per Slot, as well as there no longer being a need to assign Follow or Assist Variable Keystrokes at the Character Set level. At this time, that video is, more-or-less, just general information on how the system works.

I realize this is probably a lot to take in, but what I would suggest would be doing a File > Clear, and then starting fresh since there isn't much custom configuration in your current profile. On the final step of the Quick Setup Wizard, under the Hotkeys section, is where you set the keys you want to press, and under the Game Key Bindings section, is where you define what the in game key binds are for in-game commands. I would also suggest keeping the in-game key binds to a single key, rather than a modifer+key, as some games might handle modifiers differently than just a straight key.


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Post Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:45 pm

Re: Follow/Assist stopped working after latest patch.

Good evening, thank you for taking the time to go through that. I will go ahead, clear it, and start fresh. I have been adding things one at a time and seeing how it effects game play which is why there was not a whole lot thee. Unfortunately the way my keys have been mapped out over the last 15 years, it does not leave many keys that are not used which is why I use alt F1 - Alt F10 as my main hotkeys. I may be redoing my spell line and re-configuring movements which should help considerably. Thank you again!

Also, I understand that the video is quite a few years old. Is there any chance that there is another place that has more up to date information on ISBoxer and EQ other than these forums?


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Post Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:23 am

Re: Follow/Assist stopped working after latest patch.

The info in these forums is still correct. Along with the older videos on ISBoxer.
There is some differences in the default wizard generated configuration, which are covered here.. http://isboxer.com/wiki/ISBoxer_42:Universal_Key_Maps, so if you need to know the key map name change overs, that WIKI page will have them. There are a few other tweaks which I'll get to in a minute.

Other than that, the main advice is exactly as already said in MiRai's post.
MiRai wrote: I would also suggest not setting any Hotkeys in Key Maps which do not contain the word "Hotkeys," because they do not get disabled with the standard toggle.
There is one called "Custom" which is a really good place for your Custom mapped keys. For the standard default mapped keys, then the key maps with Hotkeys in the name are the ones (except Always On which has a few too - but, as the name says, it is Always On, so be careful about willy nilly throwing mapped keys in there).
MiRai wrote: The ISBoxer 42 Quick Setup Wizard automatically configures the F-keys, per Slot
This is actually much the same as has always been. The missing part of the puzzle these days is that the profile will use the Virtual Mapped Keys section on a character set to determine which Follow/Assist mapped key in the Party key map is used. For EQ, this is normally "Follow Me Active Method" is now "Follow Me (Target Slot)".
MiRai wrote: , as well as there no longer being a need to assign Follow or Assist Variable Keystrokes at the Character Set level.
although you can do, if you really want to have a different follow/assist variable keystroke for particular teams, but this seems highly unlikely within the same game.

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