Ah, yeah I have that checked by default, I guess it did it for Tree of Savior by default.
I believe there might be a process that I have that runs to turn it into 360 software, but it's not a standard application that would be running, I've looked through all of my currently running applications. Couldn't find it in services either so I'll have to look over it again.
The Mayflash comes with a driver CD (which unfortunately I've lost since I've had the thing for years, I'm sure I have it around but y'kno) and it's not available on their website.
I keep it in Xinput mode so in Device Manager it just shows as "Xbox 360 Controller for Windows", which I assume means it should be treated as such. Tree of Savior has no problem grabbing it nor has any other game I've tried it with (PoE, DFO, some single player games), just not working with IS is all.
I ran buttontest.iss and everything shows fine there, but from what I understood reading that it only means that it's native support can be setup, not that it is.
Seems to be reading it fine from here!
I've also checked this particular setting with hopes it would fix my issue. I don't know why I thought it would help, but yeah it didn't.
I tried going to Key Maps (at this point Iwas messing with stuff I have no idea what i'm doing just trying anything that sounds like it could remotely help somehow). Tried Mapped Key Wizard and manually, neither way worked of course because it probably had nothing to do with what I was looking for hehe.
It looks like the solution here may help me get what I want consideringI don't care about the second window being controlled with a controller at all, it's literally just to sit in town and play market.
viewtopic.php?f=30&t=6321Realistically even if I could turn off any hotkeys/toggles/etc that is provided by ISBoxer that would be fine with me because I can just click the other screen and check the market now and then and that's it, as long as I can play with the controller on the main that's all 'I' realistically want.
On my Mayflash I'm in Xinput mode (This was setup previously and it's the mode that makes it appear to be a 360 controller, the other mode Dinput allows up to 4 controllers so I believe it would cause more grief)
XPadder in admin mode with XInput disabled.
Now, what IS working however is if I do all of the above and set Xpadder to bind to keyboard keys it actually works!
The downside to this is my goal isn't to turn it into keyboard keys but to keep them as the controller keys because the way the game handles controller is pretty good.
I wouldn't be able to make use of this layout at all if I used it through Xpadder converting it to keyboard keys.
So since this didn't do what I wanted to exactly, one last test I switched my Mayflash to Dinput, tried booting ToS regularly and it worked.
Tried through ISBoxer and unfortunately it did not.
My last attempt was going into Edit Input Device Editor which I just found, I found my Input Device there with all the buttons! I made a New Key Set, moved everything over, hit Save, booted Inner Space and tried to load. It also did not work.
I put it back on Xinput and tried the samething. Just in case I was crazy I also went ahead and went to Control Panel->Devices and Printers->Game Controller->Properties and ran the Test, all buttons are noticed just fine as if a 360 controller.
After checking the wiki I was very aware this was futile and that did something else entirely.
That's about all I can think to try, but if anyone has anything else I'd love to hear it. Right now I'm just running on the free trial so I got 7~ days to try things out if it works or not.